If you are looking for a way to save some money each year, you can do it by getting a lower car insurance premium. You won't see savings by simply asking your agent, but there are some strategic ways you can reduce how much you pay. Taking advantage of several of these suggestions will definitely make a dent in your premiums.
Increase Your Deductible
Many drivers like having a low deductible because it is less money out of their pocket when they need to make a claim.
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Working a farm can be a rewarding way of life. Farming comes with some inherent dangers that must be acknowledged if you plan on farming commercially. Although you might already have a farm insurance policy that covers your crops and livestock, you may need additional insurance to ensure that all your activities are covered.
Here are three reasons why you might want to combine commercial insurance with your existing farm policy.
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Maintaining a clean driving record is one of the best ways to keep your auto insurance rate low or even experience a decrease in your insurance premium when your policy comes up for renewal each year. Although you can also complete a defensive driving course and provide proof of the accomplishment to your insurance company to have your premium lowered, there's an up-front cost to this approach. If you're on a budget or don't have the spare time for such a course, focus on being as safe as you can behind the wheel.
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Large breed dogs such as pit bulls, Doberman pinschers and Rottweilers tend to be intimidating and bite claims related to these breeds are on the rise, according to the III (Insurance Information Institute). These breeds account for over 1/3 of all liability claims paid out in 2010; if you're considering adopting a large-breed dog, call your insurance agent before making the decision.
About Large-Breed Dogs
While breeders are staunch advocates for Rottweilers, pit bulls, and German shepherds, these dogs also have a tenacious side that makes them a popular choice for customs agents, military and police usage.
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When you own a rental home, it is important to make sure that you have home owner's insurance that will cover any and all damage to your property. Homeowners who own rental properties are sometimes confused as to who has responsibility to insure the home, when they have renters. As the homeowner, it is your responsibility to have insurance on the property, while the renter is responsible for having renters insurance that will cover damage to their belongings or damage that they cause to the property.
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