If you own a house and have a car, you might be able to benefit by choosing the same insurance company for coverage on both of these valuable assets. This process is referred to as bundling, and it is something most insurance companies offer. If you want to reap the benefits of bundling your insurance policies, contact an insurance company to get quotes and to learn about these three benefits offered by bundling your insurance.
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It's not exactly common to hear that an individual carries an SR22 endorsement on their auto insurance policy. However, if you have been labeled a high-risk driver, it's very likely that you will be required to carry this on your insurance plan. Since this endorsement is not well-known, there are a number of misconceptions surrounding it. If you are being required to add this to your coverage, you need to be able to discern fact from fiction.
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Everyone knows that homeowner's insurance will very likely cover wind and fire damage, but some confusion exists about the issue of water damage. There is a possibility that you may not have the coverage that you think you have and that you need. Read on to learn more about getting insured for several types of water damage.
Leaks from inside the home.
Everywhere there are water pipes, there is the potential for a leak.
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Small home businesses are in just as much need for commercial insurance as larger, office-based counterparts. In some ways, insuring a small home business is even more important; it protects you from personal liability in matters that should really take their toll on your business insurance. Here are some types of commercial insurance to consider for your home business.
General Liability Insurance
The first thing that many new businesses opt for is a general liability insurance that covers a wide range of issues, such as problems with your product or service, damages to your product or business equipment, and complaints of on-site injuries from your clients.
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If you've been convicted of a DUI, driving without insurance, or some other serious driving offense, the court might have ordered you to obtain an SR-22 filing with your insurance. Many people assume that SR-22 is a separate (and more expensive) type of insurance, but that's not the case. The SR-22 itself is a certificate that your insurance company files for you. They will charge you a nominal fee for doing so, but that's not what will cost you.
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