3 Tips For Saving Money With An SR-22 Filing

If you've been convicted of a DUI, driving without insurance, or some other serious driving offense, the court might have ordered you to obtain an SR-22 filing with your insurance. Many people assume that SR-22 is a separate (and more expensive) type of insurance, but that's not the case. The SR-22 itself is a certificate that your insurance company files for you. They will charge you a nominal fee for doing so, but that's not what will cost you. The issue is that because of your driving offense, your insurance company will consider you a bigger risk, so they'll hike up your rates. But there are still things that you can do to make your insurance costs more affordable. Take a look at these money-saving tips.

Switch Cars

Your insurance rate is partially based on what kind of car you drive. As a general rule, you'll pay less if your car is safer and less flashy, and you'll pay more if you drive a car that's fast, has poor safety ratings, or is a tempting target for thieves.

Trading in your car for one that's cheaper to insure probably isn't feasible, but if you live in a two-or-more-car household, you may want to consider trading keys with someone who's vehicle is cheaper to insure. For example, if you normally drive a sports car and your spouse drives a sedan, you may want to take over the sedan for awhile – and update your insurance company on who's driving which car.

Up Your Deductible

A surefire way to bring down your insurance costs is to increase your deductible. You'll pay more up front if you get into an accident and need to make an insurance claim, but you'll save on your monthly premiums.

However, you should only raise your deductibles if you have money set aside to meet them in the event of an accident. Otherwise, you're taking a big financial risk.

Take a Driving Course

Many insurance companies will lower your rates if you go to driving school. Depending on the reason for your SR-22 requirement, the court may actually require you to take a driving course, but even if they don't, it's a good idea.

Opting to take a driving course tells the insurance company that you're taking responsibility for your driving mistake and actively working on becoming a better driver. And of course, a driver who is willing to work on their driving skills is likely to be a lower risk to the insurance company than someone who refuses to try to improve.

Finally, if you can't get your current insurance company to lower their rates, you should try shopping around. Another insurance company in your area may be more accommodating to drivers in your situation. Talk to a company like Angel Auto Insurance for more information on SR-22 insurance and how to improve your rates.
