Understanding The Startup Insurance Coverage You Should Have

When you launch a business startup, it's important that you have adequate insurance coverage. Many new business owners don't understand the essential insurance options for their businesses because they lack the necessary insurance and risk education. There are a few key policies that you should discuss with your startup insurance broker to ensure that your new business has the protection it needs.

General Liability 

General liability insurance is important for every business. This type of policy covers any potential liability hazard, including customer injuries on your property. Startups are at greater risk of other liability threats, including slander, marketing mistakes, and similar issues. Substantial liability coverage is important to protect your company's financial integrity in the face of a potential loss.

Employer Liability

As a new business owner starts to navigate the employer process, including job listings, interviews, and hiring, it can seem like a minefield with potential mistakes, discriminatory actions, and prohibited questions. As an employer, you are bound by specific labor laws to prevent discrimination. Violating those laws can be costly to your business. Invest in employer liability coverage right away before you start hiring people.

Business Interruption Insurance

Even startups are prone to potential business interruptions. Whether you are disrupted due to a natural disaster, building flooding, or any other emergency that prevents your company from doing business, interruption insurance can help you meet your payroll and overhead costs until your company's operation is restored. Since startups are often on a precarious financial edge as it is, any business interruption could be devastating without this coverage.

Cyber Liability

Cyber liability coverage protects your company from the losses associated with data theft, ransomware, consumer privacy violations, and even identity theft protection services as a result of these hazards. This is an important consideration for startups because you're often maintaining a network that doesn't have the extensive security barriers that larger corporations can afford. This is a vulnerability, making it essential that small businesses and startups have enough cyber liability coverage for their potential exposure.

Consider the risks that your business is facing, including not just digital data protection but also disruption of your company's operations, issues with employer practices, and even general liability concerns. Be mindful of your company's risk exposures and talk with an insurance broker who understands startup insurance plans. That way, you have the opportunity to get the coverage that you need to help your company thrive.

Contact a startup insurance broker to find out more. 
