Why Your Business Needs Commercial Transportation Insurance

Commercial transportation insurance coverage is a class of insurance designed to meet the needs of the business that owns vehicles. This insurance covers your cargo, cars, and drivers. If your company owns a public service vehicle, ambulance, truck, garbage hauler, dirt hauler, or cement mixer, you can insure its cargo and driver against damages. The insurance cover helps you prevent losses to your firm through assurance that the insurer pays back the sum assured when the accident occurs. Here are a few reasons why your business needs commercial transportation insurance coverage.

Covers Settlements and Lawsuits

Your business establishment services and professionals often make mistakes in the course of handling your logistics. For example, your drivers may cause road accidents or damage property using commercial vehicles. In such a case, the ensuing lawsuit could cost your firm a lot of money. Lawsuits require a lawyer or a team of lawyers, which your firm pays on an hourly basis. If your business does not have the lawyers on retainer, the costs may elevate beyond the usual business expenditures. Therefore, you need a solid plan to help you pay such charges. Your business may also result in settlements as a way of reducing cost, reputational damage, and preventing lengthy lawsuits. Out-of-court payments are also costly for a business. Commercial transportation insurance coverage helps your business meet such expenses.

Business Continuity

Transportation is an essential part of a firm. Your business needs to transport goods from its premises to the market. Likewise, the firm also needs raw materials from suppliers. Having in-house transport means cutting down on transportation costs. However, accidents may render your commercial vehicles unroadworthy. Commercial transportation insurance coverage helps you repair cars in time to handle your urgent logistic needs. This type of insurance also ensures that you can comfortably purchase a new commercial vehicle if the insurance company writes off your car. Therefore, commercial transportation insurance coverage provides the continuity of businesses.


Running a successful firm requires a significant amount of capital. You need your capital resources to order stock, purchase new equipment, and invest in research and development. The cost of business growth is not cheap, but you must maximize the return on investment for all the capital used. Keeping a large portion of your cash in the bank as a contingency against considerable property damage is uneconomical. Therefore, commercial transportation insurance coverage helps you avoid this opportunity cost. You can pay insurance for your firm's transportation and divert your capital towards activities that generate profitable returns for your firm.

Additional Benefits

Commercial transportation insurance coverage is not just a way of minimizing risk. The insurance cover helps your gain access to the resources of the insurance company. Your insurers use specific measures to mitigate losses and claims. The loss control department of your insurer may help you in particular ways. For example, your insurer demands that your drivers and vehicles adhere to specific standards. The insurer requires that commercial vehicles undergo routine maintenance and that your drivers do not ferry unauthorized goods or people. These rules protect the business and the insurer alike.

Commercial transportation insurance coverage helps you pay for lawsuits and settlements, ensures business continuity, allows your firm to grow, and has a series of additional benefits for the firm. 

For more information on commercial transportation insurance coverage, contact a company like the Russell Agency.
